Verizon Wireless

Westborough, MA

Verizon Wireless needed to expand their Westborough, MA facility.  It was not possible to add to the existing building due to structural and site constraints.  Local zoning precluded a second, free-standing building on property, so the project was shelved.  Over the next few years LDC encouraged and monitored changes to the local Zoning Bylaw.  When the restrictive zoning provision was eliminated, LDC informed Verizon staff it was now possible to move forward with the second building.  LDC worked closely with Verizon’s architect based in Atlanta, GA and prepared the site design as well as the engineering plans and calculations, and then assisted with municipal site and stormwater permitting.  The result, Verizon Wireless was able to improve their facility as originally hoped and avoid a costly move to a less desirable site.


19 Canal Apartments


Sewer Infrastructure Expansion Project